Best Practices of the Top Pro Services Firms
Many of the top performing organizations in a variety of industries are thriving with the help of a cloud-based platform like NetSuite. This recent white paper from Service Performance Insight and NetSuite highlights the best practices of some leading professional services firms.
Out of 622 organizations that participated in SPI’s Professional Services Maturity™ benchmark survey this past year, the top 30 performers were named the Best-of-the-Best. These top firms delivered 88.2% of their projects on time compared to 76.3% for average firms. They also outperformed their peers and the benchmark average in a number of other key metrics and grew revenues by 14.5% compared to 9.4% for average firms.
What do they have in common?
As the importance of investing in IT continues to increase, more and more of the most forward-thinking companies are turning to NetSuite. This year was no exception, with 5 of the final 18 Best-of-the-Best organizations like Cherwell, IFS Aerospace and Defense, Pariveda Solutions, RevGen Partners and TOP Step Consulting relying on solutions from NetSuite to achieve and deliver exceptional results.
The Best-of-the-Best excel across five critical performance dimensions: leadership, client relationships, human capital alignment, execution, and finance & operations. Best-of-the-Best recognition is significant since it measures PSOs from top to bottom, not just on bottom-line results like profit margins.
Interested in finding out more? Download the free white paper and enjoy!
Free White Paper
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