Keystone's Educational Webinars

August 21, 2014

NetSuite has recently made updates to their UI (User Interface) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Features. Fill out the form below to learn more about these new features and how to utilize them for your business. 

During this one-hour webinar, we addressed some of the updated features, including:

New Look for Addresses:
A new address structure in NetSuite will improve the experience for users viewing and editing addresses on entity, transaction, subsidiary, company information, location and workplace records.

Third Party SMTP Support:
NetSuite enables users to set up third-party SMTP servers for sending bulk corporate email.

SPAM Handling Feedback Loop:
NetSuite now supports Complaint Feedback Loop by which Mail Service Providers notify NetSuite when campaign email was marked as spam by a recipient.

New Fields in Search Join:
With Version 2014 Release 2, when you create customer, contact, vendor, employee and partner saved searches, you can filter the search results based on Campaign Response Count.

Notification of Unsupported Products:
Support for Internet Explorer 9 and Safari 5 is ending in Version 2015 Release 1.

Review NetSuite’s Test Plan:
To ensure your company enjoys a smooth transition to release 2014.2, we’ll be providing a high-level review of NetSuite’s Test Plan, including how to access the Beta site, what should be tested and how to report any issues you may encounter.

Company Communication Plan: 
To help improve User Adoption, we’ll be providing best practice advice on preparing your staff for the New Release and introducing them to the available learning resources, which include Beta sites, ‘Guided Tour’ videos and webinars.

    Please fill out the form below to watch our webinar.

    Name (required):
    Email (required):

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    Your Primary Contact:

    Karen Gaetano
    Senior CRM Consultant
    Tel: (630) 401-8429

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    Suite 313
    Oak Brook, IL 60523

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